
How does it work - for buyers?
To find a suitable offer, you need to use Offers Feed. View the offer you are interested in in detail and contact the seller. Discuss with him the details of the transaction, for example, delivery time and method of transfer. After all the details have been discussed, you need to place an order by clicking on the appropriate button. Next, each party must fulfill its obligations and confirm their fulfillment on the site. We strongly recommend discussing all transaction details in the system’s internal chat.
More detailed information in the section "How to buy".
How does it work - for sellers?
To complete a transaction, you need to place an offer for sale. Wait until a suitable buyer is found for the offer and agrees to the deal. Before agreeing to a transaction, he is obliged to contact you and discuss the details of the transaction, for example, delivery time or transfer method. After the transaction is completed and processed, each party must fulfill its obligations and confirm their fulfillment on the website. For all discussions or details, we recommend using the system's internal chat.
More detailed information in the section "How to sell".
Is the transaction safe?
Each transaction is protected by a special transaction. In this transaction, funds for the transaction are not immediately credited to the buyer's account, but only after the transaction is confirmed. Even if the transaction is considered completed, the user has the right to open a dispute and appeal the completion.
How are disputes resolved?
If the parties to the transaction cannot resolve the dispute on their own, then each has the right to apply to arbitration, describing the cause of the dispute. The competence of arbitration includes making a decision on the distribution of transaction funds between its participants.
Who conducts arbitration and how?
In our system, a decision on an open dispute is made by a real person, not a robot. Before making a decision, the arbitration holds mandatory consultations with the parties to the transaction in the transaction chat (or using other forms of communication), and also establishes facts that reliably indicate the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the terms of the transaction.
How quickly is a dispute resolved?
After opening a dispute, arbitration as soon as possible contacts the parties to the transaction. The proceedings begin in chat between the buyer and seller within 3 business days from the date of contact. The arbitration office actively maintains contact with the parties to the transaction.

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